Astarte Healing
Sacred Womb Healing for Women
Astarte invites you to come together with your Divine feminine tribe as you dive into the power of your sacred womb. Your inner healer awakens as your spirit reminisces of ancient community healing ceremonies from past lifetimes. It is time for healing through community as we heal our bodies, our minds, our hearts, humanity, Earth, and our wombs. Let's raise our frequency and create a harmonious Earth space through the sacred womb portal!
Astarte received a calling to connect with the whales on the Hawaiian Islands through a series of synchronicities. Connection was found while on Hapuna Beach, located on Hawaii Island. In the crystal-clear, blue waters, with the sun shinning, the whales shared their wisdom with Astarte from their ocean home. The whales are sentient beings who wish to initiate humanity at this time through healing and empowering the sacred womb. They offer great wisdom from their perspective of life in their ocean home, the great womb of Mother Earth. They visit the shores of Hawaii to birth their calves and mate before moving North to feed. They fast for months while in the warm waters of the Pacific. In the midst of their yearly spiritual journey, they shared their wisdom with Astarte.
Astarte is offering this group healing to facilitate a deeper bond between sisters, and to realize life-long dreams through empowerment of the sacred womb. A binary code spills forth from each individual. Receiving this womb code immediately activates the remembrance of your family lineage, your sacred contracts, your life mission, and your big dreams. You may choose to wake up to the empowerment of your womb in this sacred space.
If you wish to host a gathering I ask that you call or text to focus this desire into manifestation for you and your friends or family. You do not need to consider yourself "spiritual" to benefit from this gathering. The calling of your soul will tell you it's time. This is a half day retreat.
If you do not currently have a physical womb, your energetic blueprint still remains and will be acknowledged in the ceremony.
Please call or text for pricing & booking.
Full day retreats are available combining sacred womb healing and cacao ceremony.
Cacao Ceremony
Cacao has been recognized as one of the great World Trees throughout the jungles of Central and South American cultures throughout time. Cacao offers connection between our human world and Mother Earth, the spiritual realms and the cosmos, our inner being and our higher selves. She manifests in many forms for healing, connection, and nurturance. She is multi-dimensional and appears as both the living cacao plant spirit and the Cacao Goddess. Through her medicine and magical heartbeat flows the blood of her living presence and embodiment of her pure spirit. You are invited to unify the cacao alchemy of the Americas to awaken your inner senses and liberate your spirit to bring connection, peace, and love throughout the realms.
The Cacao spirit witnesses directly from her soul where she touches an ancient place deep inside your being. With her sacred heart she listens, feels, and speaks to the spiritual essence of your being. Her sacred libation creates a mystical portal which lights the way by enticing your inner being to act from your higher heart intelligence. A new reality filled with love for yourself, others, and all of life guides your passage to a heightened life experience.
The evocation of the Cacao Goddess is welcomed through a sensual temple-altar. Consummate your higher selves with the voluptuous, juicy, overflowing love & healing she unconditionally gifts to all who step into this marriage. This relationship is a vehicle for your journey to the Great World Tree and the wisdom of the ages. Invocation of her presence in partnership with your higher self holds the space of sustenance, upliftment and expansive love. You are nestled in the safety of this shamanic-style journey by experienced ceremonialists and healers as you navigate a connection with your inner guidance, higher beings of light. and helping and compassionate spirits. Invocation of the Cacao Goddess with your higher self holds the space of sustenance, upliftment and expansive love manifest. When cacao is approached in a sacred manner, a deeply grounded communion is created. Imbibing cacao during meditation is a unique experience, for an intensely heightened trance state may be achieved as a catalyst to open your heart and soul to guidance and healing of the heart and womb. Journeying with the energy of cacao in your body creates a field that may last for several days. Through your vulnerable, surrendered heart, a waterfall of grace pours into your existence. A rich gift from ancient tribal, nature-oriented cultures bless the space within. We invite you to embark on this journey and partake in the unification of our global circle in caring for Mother Earth. Recognition of the dream we hold for ourselves and Mother Earth's dream for us becomes embodied.
This sacred Cacao Ceremony is offered in an intimate 3-hour ceremony. The ceremony entails a commitment of presence and time as you are deeply immersed into the realms of Spirit and transformation. In preparation, the day of the ceremony, it is best to refrain from drinking alcohol, consuming recreational drugs, caffeinated beverages, and spicy foods. You are welcome to bring any objects you hold dear to your heart for blessings on the altar, as well as any offerings you’d like to gift the cacao spirits and Cacao Goddess. All cacao elixirs served during ceremony are infused with prayer and intentions for each participant to receive exactly what is needed. During the ceremony, essential oil anointments are used to support your shamanic journey.
Full day retreats are available combining sacred womb healing and cacao ceremony.